Friday, November 20, 2009

Play Readers will meet Nov. 24

Play Readers will meet upstairs at the Campus Theatre on Tuesday, Nov. 24, from 7-9(ish) pm to read a play out loud. Last week Play Writers met to read Dan Cresom's new play, Criminal Behavior, before he sends it off to competition. Break a pen, Dan!

This is the last weekend for Forever Plaid, and if you haven't seen it yet, you're in for a real treat. Congratulations, Jocelyn, on your part in a great show!

Thanks for visiting the new blog--please let us know what you think!


  1. This is a test to see if comments can now be posted--thanks, Wes, for alerting me! Julie

  2. Congratulation Joycelen on a most enjoyable "Forever Plaid". We very much enjoyed it. I won't be able to make Tues PlayReaders/Writers until after 12/13. We're heavy into rehearsals of "Scrooge, The Musical" now.

